Regular Scheduled Services:
Sundays: 10:00 a.m. Coffee Hour & Valley Kids Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Family Worship Service
2:00 p.m. Spanish Service
Tuesday: February 4th & 18th at 6:30 p.m. Women of Worth
Wednesdays: 7:00 p.m. Family Bible Study
Thursday: February 13th & 27th at 6:00 pm Men's Bible Study
February 2025
Beginning Wednesday, February 5
Spirit of Freedom
Tied by addiction and searching for a way out? Spirit of Freedom is a life-changing class offering hope, support, and tools to break free from the struggles holding you back. Join us on this journey to find lasting freedom and reclaim your life. Please sign up on the board next to the sanctuary doors. All are welcome!
Sunday, February 9
Serving Our World (SOW)
Sunday, February 9
Ushers & Greeters Meeting
Join us as we serve our community and those in need. For more details, please see Nora Wilkinson.
If you are an usher or greeter or would like to join the team, join us immediately following service in the fellowship hall for a brief meeting. Any questions, please see Pete Murdock.
February 14-16
Marriage Retreat
Join us for our Perfect Pebble marriage retreat! Cost is $50 per couple. For more details, click here. Ready to register? Click here.
Sunday, February 23
Church Prayer
6:00 pm
Join us for a night of prayer! Come expecting great things to happen!
Sunday, February 23
Serving Our World (SOW)
Join us as we serve our community and those in need. For more details, please see Nora Wilkinson.
Friday, February 28
United Service
United, join us for our monthly United service. You won't want to miss it!